Circle of Roots Courses

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CHAI Circle of Wellness Course

Live Now until August 2024 | Virtual

This 11-week course will include bi-weekly Cultural Healing circle immersion (Wednesday evenings) and bi-weekly interactive Ancient Innovation workshops (Saturday mornings) to engage topics of culture, healing historical wounds, and building transformative communities.

The first round of this course is currently live until August 2024 VIRTUALLY, but you can still get access via the button below:

Why Join CHAI Circles of Wellness Course?


Why Circle of Roots - Mental Emotional


Cultural Healing circle immersion, reflecting and connecting together in circles exploring topics such as love, gratitude/reverence, seva, grief/praise, and natural healing via the elements from various culturally-rooted healing systems

Why Circle of Roots - Physical


Ancient Innovation workshops engaging models such as conflict transformation, interrupting cycles of violence, and cultural humility principles and practices such as deep listening and genuine curiosity

Why Circle of Roots - Spiritual


1-on-1 Apprenticeship Positions are currently unavailable at this time but may be available again in the future. Please reach out to me directly and I'll keep your information on file for when positions open up again

CHIA Circle of Wellness FAQs

1. Who is this course for?

This course is for those interested in collective healing from historical (and ongoing) wounds of division, isolation, disconnection, internalized oppression, intergenerational trauma. Specifically, anyone who works in the human service industry (education, mental and physical healthcare, holistic healing, spiritual leaders, public office/government, library workers), community leaders and activists, parents, or any individuals seeking their own healing within the context of community. Not sure if this is for you? Feel free to reach out to me directly for a clarity conversation. 

2. What will a typical session look like?

This course will be taught in two different formats: Wednesday evening circles, and Saturday morning workshops. The evening circles will be a more intimate setting where we will all sit in circle together, reflect and connect with ourselves internally and amongst one another in the group. This is the circle immersion part of the course, where we will explore topics from a deeper, personal and interpersonal perspective as well as share mind-body therapeutic practices together.

Morning workshops will be focused on sharing frameworks and principles for the purposes of knowledge-sharing. We will use group discussion and dialogue as a way to explore topics and how they relate to us in our unique contexts. 

The styles of teaching for this course are holistic and popular education. We will center the experiences of students as we recognize that everyone brings to the classroom their own knowledge and wisdom from their lived experiences and ancestral lineages. We also create space for the whole person to be present during class- that means acknowledging our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. 

All classes will take place virtually. Participants of the full course will have access to all recordings, shared files/documents, and a community dialogue space to connect with other participants throughout the course.

3. What is the pricing for this course?

  • Drop-in to Wednesday circles for $15.
  • Access the entire course for just $333.


“Darsheel cultivates a culture of openness and presence that allows participants to be gracious, kind, and vulnerable with themselves and each other in a safe and loving environment.”
